
Monday, February 15, 2010


Ugh. Austin has a fever... AGAIN. I guess I should be thankful, we made it 2 whole weeks without him getting sick. He started Daycare the middle of December and has been sick every week with something else since. Doing this alone has worn me out. Non-stop sickness. blah. Tonight he was unusually cuddly (which considering lately he's been very cuddly) and I noticed he was getting a bit warm. When we were getting ready for bed I took his temp and he was at 101.1 Fantastic.

His skin has also broken out in dry patches again this winter. Poor boy. It's gotten so bad. There was a spot on the back of his head that he had scratched so much that it had started bleeding. I got a refill of his medicated cream and have started using it in full force. Hopefully it clears up within the next few days and gets better.

Onto the good news. I think Austin said book the other day. He walked up to me with his elmo book in his hand and said baaaaaa. I'm going with that means book. lol.

Tomorrow we have a dr's appt for Austin. We can see how much he's grown in the past 3 months. After that we don't have too many plans so far for the week. I really want to go and check out some of the indoor play places in the area now that Austin is old enough to appreciate them. Thursday we are headed to a movie with Devon and Pierce. That's about all we have planned for this week.

*101 in 1,000 update * I finished reading Lust Lizard of Melancholy lane and finished my *secret* goal.


  1. Hey! I just came here to remind you to update but I see you already have.

    I see you mentioned me in your post, I feel so famous. And looking forward to the movie. We should go swimming sometime soon. Except I can't find Pierce's swim diaper. Ugh! I have no idea where we put it and I am annoyed at myself for misplacing it. If I find it I'll let you know.

    Also, congrats on meeting your secret goal. Again. I think I already congratsed you on that one, but I won't let the cat out of the bag. ;)

  2. Nope, different secret goal! lol. 'those' goals aren't on here.. haha. I had a swim diaper around here that I won at the baby show. Probably won't fit Austin so if you can't find pierce's let me know.


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