
Friday, September 2, 2011

14 weeks

It took me 14 weeks before I had to start sleeping with a pillow between my knees. I really thought it would have taken longer, but everything happens sooner with 2nd kids. If I have the bed to myself and can spread out I don't need the pillow, but with Dave home, I'm using the pillow.

Also happened at 14 weeks?? I felt my first for sure kick. I had been wondering about some movement going on in my stomach for a while but there was no doubt about it Wednesday evening.(14wk1d) This excited me so much. I can't wait to just sit and watch my belly do odd things. Maybe even watch baby with the hiccups. (and yes, you can tell.)

I head to Ontario on Tuesday to visit for a while and will probably be having my big ultrasound there. While Dave won't be with me for the ultrasound (or at least it will be very unlikely) I think I'm going to do some sort of gender reveal and wait until we can both find out together. We will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for pillows. I have a full body one the hubby bought me when I was pregnant with our 3rd child. I am around 5 weeks with #4 and don't need the pillow, but I sure do like a lot of space! I love when hubby gets out of bed in the mornings LOL.

    This being our fourth, I think I'm going to keep the gender a secret from family until the big day :)


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